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New feature: Job submission lists

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023

Going forward, when creating a new shared list, you will get the option to either create a Job submission list or a Marketing list.

You might be wondering, what does all that mean? Keep on reading to learn more about it

Job submission list (new type)

This is a new type of list we are introducing.

The job submission list allows everyone accessing that list to collaborate. That means, multiple people can see each other's messages, interview requests, etc.

For example, you share a job submission list with multiple people at the same end client. If Tom requests an interview with one candidate and declines two other candidates, then Sarah accessing the same list shortly after Tom will see Tom's messages and requests, etc.

We recommend that you share this type of list with a single company only.

For Bullhorn customers

This is the new default list type that is used when creating a list from the tab on a job in Bullhorn.

Marketing list (all existing lists)

A Marketing list does not allow collaboration. People accessing this list type will only see their own messages, candidate status, etc.

Marketing lists are therefore intended to be accessed by several companies. Typical use cases are:

  • List with top available candidates
  • Add list to your website (search engine indexing coming soon)
  • Include list in the email signature
  • Share list on social media (preview images coming soon)

Lists that you've created so far...

As lists that you have created until this point do not allow your clients to collaborate, they were automatically converted into Marketing lists. Don't worry if these lists are actually used for job submissions. You can keep using them without any issues. Just note, if you want your clients to be able to collaborate on a list, you need to create a new Job submission type list.