Latest News from the Candidately team
New feature

Disable file downloads

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023

Take full control of your candidate's data and disable the CV/resume and file download option for your clients. Now your clients no longer have the option to download the CV/resume or additional files from the link you shared with them.

You can select this option as a company default or change it individually on each list.

New feature

"Messages" tab for your lists

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023

Keep track of all your client conversations with the new "Messages" tab on your lists.


Upload the candidate's CV/resume from an image file

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023

We now support image files as well as PDFs with images to be uploaded as CVs/resumes. Caution, this feature does not support parsing any of your candidate's information from the resume.


Default date format

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023

Want to see days instead of months? DD/MM/JJJJ vs. MM/DD/JJJJ We got you!

You can now set the default date format for your company account. Click here to make the change.


Bullhorn-related updates

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023
  • When sharing a list, we now automatically suggest client contacts that are assigned to the job in Bullhorn.
  • Notes synced to Bullhorn now reference the client contact and list owner.
  • Candidate skills and willingness to relocate automatically sync from Bullhorn when adding candidates to a list.
  • The owner and assignees of a job in Bullhorn are now automatically added as assignees to lists in Candidately.
  • Manually force the initial sync of companies and contacts without re-connecting your Bullhorn integration.

General application improvements

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023
  • Improved the email sender names to minimize bounces and email landing in spam folders.
  • Added the ability to reassign lists when removing users from your company.
  • Added an unread messages counter to each list on your client portal.
  • Improved the navigation of the list settings menu by splitting it into different categories.
  • Improved the preview of files on mobile devices.
  • Improved the detection of job titles for candidates.
  • Improved the UI on the Bullhorn settings page.
  • Truncated list titles show a tooltip now.
  • Automations now display a warning message if the Bullhorn tearsheet they are synced with is deleted.
  • Improvements to the location icon visibility if the field is not completed.
Product update

What are we building this summer?

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023
  • Bullhorn field mapping --> automatically map fields from Bullhorn's submission or candidate record to Candidately.
  • Rate ranges.
  • Initiate messages on candidates before client interactions.
  • Custom email addresses (send with your own email).
  • Improvements to split desk recruitment workflows.
  • Sync Bullhorn candidate submission note as recruiter note to Candidately.
  • Set candidates inactive on lists when their global status field is changed to “Placed”.
  • Set lists to inactive when jobs in Bullhorn goes offline.
  • Updates to the list side menu to automatically sort lists in folders by client and list status.
  • Trigger automated notifications to clients for changes on lists.

Various general improvements

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023

Alongside the Automations feature, we've also been working on several improvements to Candidately as a whole. We encourage you to keep reading in order to learn more about them

  • When clients try to access a list that was paused or deleted by you, they will now see a button to take them to an overview of all other active lists that they have access to.
  • When you click on "Share your list" there is a new preview button to easier preview your lists prior to sending.
  • There are various security improvements in the areas of change password, change email, or resend verification/signup links.
  • Admin and Owner type users are now able to change their company avatar/logo from within the company settings screen.
  • Candidately is now running on multiple servers simultaneously. For you that means whenever we release a new version of Candidately, you will be able to keep using the product without any downtime. A banner letting you know about the update, alongside a refresh button, shows up on the bottom left corner of your screen to be used at your best convenience.
  • The left side menu on lists (where you switch between your lists) is now collapsable. This provides a better experience to our users with smaller screen sizes.
New feature

Bullhorn Automations (Beta) Update your lists automatically

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023

Automations allow you to set up triggers that monitor your candidate fields and Tearsheets in Bullhorn. Currently, the available triggers are:

  • Field change on the candidate
  • Candidate added to Tearsheet
  • Candidate removed from Tearsheet

Once the desired trigger has been chosen and the criteria for it has been set, you can select an action that will take place in Candidately on a list, which can be:

  1. Import a candidate
  2. Set candidate active
  3. Set candidate inactive
  4. Delete candidate

Bullhorn automation use case examples:

You can set up multiple automations on a single list that enable to to accomplish use cases like the ones below:

  1. You have a candidate Hotlist Tearsheet in Bullhorn today. With Automations this Tearsheet can be mirrored to a Marketing List in Candidately.
  2. You can leverage the "Status" field on a candidate in Bullhorn to automatically add or remove candidates from a Marketing list once the status becomes "Available" or “Placed”.
  3. You can set up 3 Marketing lists in Candidately based on the role e.g. IT, Heath care, Sales. Then you add a custom field called “Sync to list” in Bullhorn which contains parameters that correspond to the lists in Candidately and trigger the import into the correct Marketing list.
  4. With tools like Herefish you can build even more complex workflows like:a) Candidates that are about to come off assignment automatically flow to a Marketing List three weeks in advance (redeployment case).b) You source five candidate for a client and one gets the job, you can have the four candidates that failed the interview sync to a Marketing list automatically.

Shared lists: Message all recipients

Benjamin avatar
Shared by Benjamin • May 22, 2023

We've introduced a new button to the Share your list popup that allows you to send a message to all clients you've previously shared the list with. This way, it will be even easier to communicate with all your clients at once, or send mass updates whenever you add new candidates to the list.